Your impact – and your income – are personal. So, let’s make them profitable. 

Greta K conversion optimization audit

Your full-funnel, comprehensive audit with an easy-to-implement, action plan that’s optimized for conversions with a strategy personalized just for you.


“I did all the right things but I’m not getting the sales I expected!”


 I see you out there with a fire burning bright.

You’re on a mission and making all the things happen.

You got all the top-tier training and then…

🔥 You delegated it to your fab team.

🔥 You hired a pro – within your budget.

🔥 You DIYed it because you know your offer is valuable and you know your audience.

You’re absolutely right.

You did do all the right things.

✅ You followed all the advice.

✅ You spent all the money.

✅ You signed up for all the programs.

✅ You followed all the steps.

But your sales are still ehh when you need them to be effing electric.⚡

Greta has already 2xed my ROAS for my initial launch.

That’s with a massive amount spent on testing – and I haven’t even implemented all of her recommendations yet!

I fully expect my conversions to 2x again – or even more.  

She walked me through every, single component and how to make it convert better. I love her strategic approach.

Engage Greta’s services. Your profit will thank you every day with sales.


Alycia Edgar, Founder
Business HQ

The Optimized Audit Perfect For You If…


👉 You want to increase your connection with your audience and your conversion rates.

👉 You’ve got at least one “solid gold” offer that you can sell or close with your eyes closed.

👉 You work in your zone of genius and love working with others who do the same.

👉 You’ve got (or can easily lay your hands on) all the relevant data for your funnel’s performance.

👉 You’ve been around the digital marketing block long enough to know there’s no sure thing – but there’s always something that can be optimized.



It’s All About Knowing How To Connect The Dots


Make your funnel the heart-pumping, mind-creeping thrill ride that connects the dots between…

⚪ The true blue, no red oceans, I-just-need-it-now value of your offers.

⚪ The problem-free and leveled-up life your audience is looking for.

⚪ The undeniable copy that will empower your perfect-fit people towards an enthusiastic yes.

It’s Time to Optimize Every Step of Your Conversion Journey


It turns out that one-size-fits-all strategies do not fit all
no matter how much you paid for them.


Customers are more sophisticated than ever – and they expect more.

They expect authentic, personalized, and meaningful marketing.

It’s time to elevate your client and customer experience and optimize your offer, authority with your audience, and your copy.


🙌  Increase conversions – and sales, for a better bottom line.

🙌 Create ride-or-die fans – with ride-or-die revenue, btw.

🙌 Truly connect with people – not just once, but over and over again with win/win relationship marketing.

So… How do we make that magic happen?

HEY THERE, world builder!


I’m Greta. Your Business & Marketing Strategist

I’ve worked with, consulted, trained, and coached over 3,000 business owners in mindset, messaging, and marketing as they serve and scale. Business owners who, just like you, need results and revenue.

That’s where I come in!

The Optimized Audit is your go-to, ace-in-the-hole, rent-a-pro offer that is specifically designed to help you and your team to sell the right offer to the right people with the right copy.

I’ve spent years of education and experience practicing the art and science of sales – with my personal spreadsheets, protocols, and reports designed to move hearts and minds.

Now, it can be all yours and it’s just a click away.

Take a sneak peek at my 3 prong audit and optimization process.

VIP with Greta K, Step 1


 Conversions are great but connection is better!


Connections optimize the buyer-brand relationship and improve – not only your conversion rate in this funnel, but – in every opportunity to buy from you.

From now until forever.

Build community and your bottom line with buyer-centered everything and unquestionable authority.

VIP with Greta K, Step 1


Your offer suite has a sum total of one offers. Or, it’s full of packages, programs, and products that are designed to take your buyer from zero-to-hero.

I know. I can’t believe I went there either.

So, what’s the holdup?

I’m going to find out.

I’ll take your offer, turn it upside down and inside out, study the pieces, put it back together again, and turn it into a gleaming gold bastion of unmistakable value.

VIP with Greta K, Step 1


Make your copy the heart-pumping, mind-creeping thrill ride that connects and converts.

What do they want?

Problem-solving, leveling up, a job-to-be-done, luxury…

They want a better life.

You need a friction-free funnel that empathizes and inspires your readers. That’s the undeniable copy that will empower your people toward an enthusiastic yes

Your 'Get The Click' Kit

Your Actionable Optimization Playbook with personalized insights, opportunities, and priorities to help you get that conversion rate lift.

An in-depth (sometimes even line-by-line!) video walkthrough of your funnel audit.


Headline, Crosshead, and Button copy recommendations, examples, and edits.


A 30-minute, post-audit, 1:1 follow-up consultation with me to answer any lingering questions, talk strategy, etc.

A searchable transcript of your audit video replay and our follow-up call as well- so you can refer to them anytime you like

You don’t have to pay $5k, $15k, $30k+- and spend 3-months – or even longer! – engagement that gets you a full-funnel optimized for conversions.

The Optimized Audit is Only $997.  Delivered in just 1 week.

Greta is a strategy genius.”



Joanna Wiebe
Founder of Copyhackers, Copy School, Airstory & Packs


Just Because Your Offer Is Converting, That Doesn’t Mean Your Funnel Isn’t Leaking Money



Branded photos at your desk with your too-cute, oversized coffee mug, barefoot with the perfect pedi on your so-on-trend rug will only get you so far – no matter how cute it is.


Creating a sustainable, lifestyle-supporting business takes expertise.


Increasing conversions frequently takes outside expertise.


DFY expertise like mine on a full-funnel, premium project can run you anywhere between $15k-$30k and 90+ days of your time. That’s a solid investment – if you’re starting from scratch.


Your full-funnel, on-demand Optimized Audit utilizes that same DFY expertise to give you comprehensive, actionable opportunities to lift your conversion rate with a quick turnaround for only a tiny fraction of that price – less than $1k!  It’s a solid investment starting from right here.


If my premium project rates (and timelines) don’t work for you, then this is the fasted way to get my brain to work on your business.


Looking for my VIP Copy Sprints to re-write your sales page or funnel?

An Optimized Audit On-Demand is the first step.


Greta is amazing – so much knowledge and she always delivers!

Greta is extremely well skilled and highly effective at marketing, conversions, mindset, and more. I fully trust her to help my 100+ clients.


Melissa Ricker, Founder
Engineered to Scale